Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Maximizing my Mornings

It's that time of year to start getting back into a routine.  Last year I started getting up at 5am to have some time for myself.  At the time, I had very early risers so I was lucky if I had 30 minutes to myself.  This summer the kiddos have been sleeping until at least 6:30am, so I hope that trend continues!  A few days ago Jamie of Happy Harper Stories had posted on her Facebook page a link to Inspired to Action and the Maximize Your Morning challenge. 

I signed up for the emails and was sent a link to download the ebook that goes along with the challenge.  It's really good stuff to get your mornings organized.  My challenge will be getting back in the routine of waking up so early!  I did it last year, then started sleeping until the kids woke up once summer started. 

Our Open House, where I teach, is coming up Monday, so I think I'll start my morning routine then.  School won't start until Sept. 12, so that will give me two weeks to get it going again.  The Maximize Your Morning Challenge includes having time with God and exercise.  The exercise part of my challenge will be in the afternoons, while W is having nap time at preschool.  My plan is to walk at a track that is close by his school while he sleeps and be back in time to pick him up. 

 Summer's over, time to get going again!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I am two bazillion weeks late, but I wanted to thank you for linking to me. I hope you are well. :)
